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微软向Windows7及Server2008 R2测试者有奖征图

其他资讯2014-08-28 16:02:38

微软正在举行一场Windows 7图片竞赛,面向对象是Windows 7和Windows Server 2008 R2的Beta测试者们。有5位随机抽取的获胜者将获得Windows 7小纪念品以表彰他们的测试工作。征集要求是,要测试者们展现他们的测试环境,或者展现自己的充沛活力和对科技的热爱。文件需要是JPEG格式并标注好参赛者姓名,就像他们曾经给Microsoft Connect平台提交Bug时做的那样。微软设置了机器用在线地图实时展现提交照片的测试者们所在的地理位置。

Windows7 Photo Contest

Dear [匿名人士],

As we get settled with our new team and in our new building we'd like to take the opportunity and ask for your help in introducing YOU to the new team! We have lots of empty wall space surrounding our offices and we'd like to devote a large chunk to honoring our awesome Windows 7 beta participants!

We have already hung a series of computer generated push pin maps (courtesy of MapPoint) of participant locations and would like to supplement this with large collages of photos.

If you are interested in submitting a photo for us to use, please ensure you follow the guidelines listed below.

Photo Requirements - Your submission must comply with the following criteria in order to be accepted and qualify for the drawing:

1. Your photo must be submitted in JPEG format
2. You must use the following naming convention: <(Connect handle)> EX: John Smith (scrappydog90).jpg
3. You must email the picture to [removed] by COB on January 15, 2010.
4. The subject line of your email must be "Windows 7 Photo Contest"
5. Your photo must be of a high-resolution such that you could print at least a good quality 3" x 5" from it. (e.g. no driver license or passport photos)
6. Your photo should reflect you as a unique individual (e.g. no driver license, passport photos or mug shots)
7. You may submit more than one photo, however you will only be entered once in the drawing

Suggestions - Be Creative and Have Fun!

* Photos of you and your beta test environment
* Photos of you that reflect your specific locale e.g. well-known landmarks
* Photos that show your passion and enthusiasm for technology

By submitting your photo to us you agree to the following terms and conditions:

I hereby grant Microsoft Corporation the irrevocable right to use and reproduce for internal promotion purposes related to the Windows 7 operating system or other related Microsoft products and/or services, in the United States or elsewhere at any time, my name and my photograph or likeness. I specifically release Microsoft and its agents from any and all claims, of any and every nature, based on any use or uses of the above. I certify that I am over eighteen years of age and am under no legal or contractual disability to grant the rights and license above.

All successful entries will be put into a drawing and five random winners chosen to receive some great Windows 7 SWAG!

We look forward to your submissions!!!


The Windows Beta Team

Jura, Paul, Wendy

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