Windows 7 64 位系统下载


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[BT]Windows 7 ISO镜像下载?

windows 7seven2014-08-28 16:02:38

[BT]Windows 7 ISO镜像下载?

Windows 7 M1 (REPACKED ISO)

Not too long after Microsoft had released a developer build of the Windows 7 Milestone 1 release to a select few, review and opinion pieces started to leak onto Windows enthusiast sites by OEM employees or their beneficiaries. So it’s hardly surprising that now -just a few days later, the full naked DVD image has started to show up on a few torrent sites.
Anonymous pirates vying to snatch credit for the first Windows 7 torrent have only served to frustrate, with many of the downloaders later verifying the various submissions as fake zero byte ISO images, and while we haven’t been able to verify for ourselves if indeed a valid win7 image has been leaked to the pirating community, it sure is stirring up a lot of interest in the past 24 hours!


windows 7 BT种子文件下载 : Fs2You


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BTWindows 7 ISO镜像下载
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