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US Law Enforcement Have Started Win

windows 7seven2014-08-28 16:02:38

     Microsoft clearly are trying to launch Windows 7 as soon as possible, even though many users are only just getting around to upgrading to Windows Vista. I wonder if Windows 7will be one upgrade too many for some customers?

Regardless of this, Microsoft have already supplied a copy of Windows 7 to the Technical Committee of US Law Enforcement agencies testing according to a court ruling found by TechRadar, in an attempt to ensure the company’s compliance with US antitrust rulings:

    “In addition, the (technical committee) has begun to review Windows 7 itself,” Microsoft and regulators said in the filing. “Microsoft recently supplied the TC with a build of Windows 7, and is discussing TC testing going forward. The TC will conduct middleware-related tests on future builds of Windows 7.”

Testing this early appears to show that Microsoft have more clearly defined plans for Windows 7 than many have been lead to believe.

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