Word is the build number of what goes out to testers will be 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400. What do all those digits mean?
6 = Major NT OS version number (Windows 7, as the Softies have said, is built on the Windows Vista kernel, which they call NT Version 6)
1 = Minor version number
7000 = Major build number
0 = Minor build number (if needed; otherwise omitted on most builds)
081212-1400 = Build date stamp (08 = year, 12 = month, 12 = day, 1400= 2 p.m. using a 24-hour- format time stamp)
其实Mary-Jo Foley这里漏掉了一句话:build lab.
例如winmain, longhorn_rtm, winmain_win7m3都是build lab的名字。以Vista SP1 / Windows Server 2008为例,完整的版本号是6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)。你自己可以用 filever.exe观察这个字符串。
C:\Windows\system32>filever notepad.exe -v
--a-- W32i APP ENU 6.0.6001.18000 shp 151,040 01-20-2008 notepad.exe
FileVersion 6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
什么是build lab呢?根据 Mark Lucovsky 的说法:“Each team has their own view of the source tree, their own mini build lab, and builds an entire installable build”。也就是说,不同的小组(例如,做用户界面的,做NT内核的,做 beta release 的),*每个小组* *每天*都会 build 一个完整的 Windows。很自然的,小组的名字也是版本号的一部分。
对windows 7 beta而言,官方的build lab自然是winmain_win7beta. 最终的版本号就是 6.1.7000.0 (winmain_win7beta.081212-1400)
这里可以解释为什么 7004 (http://www.neowin.net/news/main/08/12/20/windows-7-build-7004-screenshot-revealed) 不是我们想要的 beta 了。7004.0.081203-1830 显然是来自另外的 build lab,也许是 winmain, 也许是其他,总之不是 winmain_win7beta.< lisiuwah: 其實不是的, winmain是小組名, 但win7beta是所謂的component part, 有些叫beta, 有些core_build, 千奇百怪的, win7beta只是他的component part, 有可能是在winmain這個lab里弄出來的. 同理 70xx都不是 beta.
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